Hi, I’m Emma.

I’m a relationship coach who is passionate about empowering women to date with confidence, love more courageously and enrich their intimate partnerships.



I work with sensitive, self-aware women who long to create deep, intimate partnerships but struggle to attract the right partners or feel unfulfilled in their current relationships.

As a relationship coach, I help you break free from unhealthy attachment patterns and dynamics, and develop self-trust to make conscious choices and decisions, so you can build secure, thriving relationships.

As humans, we long to be seen, heard, understood and loved. This longing drives much of our behaviour, our communication, and our search for connection. It’s what makes life so meaningful and rich! It’s a simple statement, but not so simple to navigate in our day to day relationships. 

For many, if not most of us, secure and healthy relationships were not modelled to us as children, and we were never taught relational skills at school, so it’s no surprise that we can find them so difficult and painful. To add to the mix, our relationships develop within a cultural context that strongly influences our perception of what constitutes ‘normal’ in love.

If you’re experiencing confusion, frustration, and general apprehension about dating, or if new or existing relationships are causing anxiety, then I am here to help!

It all starts with a willingness to understand.

Book a Discovery Callbook a discovery call

‘Being the ‘best you can be’ is really only possible when you are deeply connected to another.  Splendid isolation is for planets, not people’. 

~ Dr. Sue Johnson ~


Helping you build secure, loving relationships through understanding and healing your attachment style.

I’m a certified life and relationship coach (ICF ACC), with training in mindfulness coaching, health and wellness coaching, and coaching with trauma. I am fascinated by attachment theory and all things relational! 

I’ve had the pleasure of supporting many women (and men) around the challenges of dating and relationships, and I continue to be inspired by the commitment and vulnerability it takes to do this work.

I love nothing more than witnessing women heal the relationship with themselves and move from fear based relating and disconnection, to developing self trust and the courage to love with an open heart.

The foundations of enjoyable dating and healthy relationships...

Self Esteem
  • Develop a compassionate relationship with yourself 
  • Heal past disappointments and heartbreak
  • Exude the essence of who you are and become highly respected and valued by men
  • Understand your values and the qualities you seek in a partner

Developing a strong sense of self builds confidence, vitality and empowers you to make better choices and decisions. The acceptance and normalising of ‘failure’ cultivates resilience and encourages us to embrace future challenges.

  • Adopt an abundance mindset vs lack or scarcity
  • Create a dating experience that is respectful and approached with openness and curiosity, making it a more enjoyable journey
  • Understand the distinction between attention vs intention during the dating phase.

Understanding yourself better in relationship to others helps to deepen connections and intimacy. A recent Harvard Study on Adult Development has confirmed what makes for human flourishing and wellbeing; and it’s the quality of our relationships.

  • Practice honest and open communication with a potential or existing partner
  • Embrace vulnerability as a strength
  • Learn how to share your feelings and needs in the moment
  • Understand the intention behind your words. Ask yourself ‘What am I saying’? Does it relate to now? Is it from the past?
  • Deepen your awareness of boundaries in your relationships
  • Learn how to communicate clear boundaries in a respectful way

Boundaries are crucial for maintaining self-respect, independence, and personal safety. They also play a significant role in how we engage in healthy relationships, helping to avoid feelings of resentment or anxiety.

Attachment Style
  • Understand your attachment patterns and tendencies
  • Explore how insecure attachment impacts your relationships
  • Heal your insecure attachment

Find out more about your attachment style.

“We are drawn to people whose issues fit perfectly with our own in a way that guarantees a reenactment of the old familiar struggles we grew up with.”

~ Terry Real ~

find out more past client stories and kind words



Ready to start your relationship coaching Journey?

Six Sessions

6 x 60 mins OR
4 x 90 mins



I offer telephone and email support between each session over the period we work together.


Finding Harmony in the Blur

Today, I had a thought-provoking chat with my friend Matt about a new venture he’s embarking on called GoatRemote, a rural co-working concept that’s close to my heart for many reasons. As a life and relationship coach, I’ve always believed in the seamless integration of work and life, viewing them not as separate entities but as interconnected facets of our existence.


What is Life Coaching?

These days, many people are familiar with the term ‘Life Coach’. However, you may be wondering what a life coach does exactly and how they can help you. We all need a little help sometimes, especially when it comes to our own personal development journey and navigating significant life events or transitions.


5 Ways to Develop Positive Self Esteem

Self Esteem is how we perceive and value ourselves and is very closely linked with an overall sense of well-being. There may be many reasons we struggle with low self-esteem at some point during our lives, for example, ongoing challenges in relationships or at work, negative childhood experiences, loss, or an ongoing illness.

Some of the organisations I'm proud to have worked with:
