Finding Harmony in the Blur
Today, I had a thought-provoking chat with my friend Matt about a new venture he’s embarking on called GoatRemote, a rural co-working concept that’s close to my heart for many reasons. As a life and relationship coach, I’ve always believed in the seamless integration of work and life, viewing them not as separate entities but as interconnected facets of our existence.
What is Life Coaching?
These days, many people are familiar with the term ‘Life Coach’. However, you may be wondering what a life coach does exactly and how they can help you. We all need a little help sometimes, especially when it comes to our own personal development journey and navigating significant life events or transitions.
5 Ways to Develop Positive Self Esteem
Self Esteem is how we perceive and value ourselves and is very closely linked with an overall sense of well-being. There may be many reasons we struggle with low self-esteem at some point during our lives, for example, ongoing challenges in relationships or at work, negative childhood experiences, loss, or an ongoing illness.
Coaching in Nature
There’s now much research highlighting the importance of nature connection and well-being, and the benefits of nature based coaching. Spending time in nature or bringing plants into our homes can lift our spirits, reduce stress, and offer rejuvenation from mental fatigue.